January Assembly: Seeing Stars!

USC has decided as of today, due to the omicron numbers in LA county, there will be no in-person events happening on campus. We fully support and comply with this decision.
We will be right back to our regular zoom meeting tomorrow at 11am! We will still have our breakout rooms, our music and our awesome speaker. We are sad that we won’t get to see you in person, but hopefully this variant dies a fiery death very soon and we can all hangout again.
Please stay safe, if you test positive and need assistance (someone to run to the grocery for you, pick up prescriptions, etc) please don’t hesitate to reach out. That is what community is built for!
We thank you for being understanding in these fluid situations where everything is constantly changing. RSVP down below and we will see ya tomorrow!
RSVP: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcqd--tqjsoG9dhgEGZ6etaQIKHMBjptdEP
Join us Jan 9th at USC for our first Assembly of the new year! We will be back on the beautiful USC campus and we are upping our presence on zoom to accommodate those staying home. We will be celebrating the new year, hearing a great talk by Eric Huff about telescopes and nucleogensis, and maybe even discussing our resolutions with one another. Brunch will follow at Greenleaf.
Seating will be spaced out, masks will be required even though the event will happen outdoors. We will observe waving, instead of the hugs we long for. We are doing all we can to not be a point of contraction for the omicron virus. We will be hosting this event via zoom, for those not comfortable with venturing out amongst the general public. Make sure you reserve your spot. Childcare will be available.

Pictured above is the walking instructions from the nearby campus Target/Trader Joe’s parking garage. They offer 2 free hours of validation if you step inside and scan your parking slip. From there, it’s an easy 5 min walk to the courtyard of the Office of Religious Life! Everyone passing through the gate will have to complete the USC Trojan Wellness Check via the below link. This inquires about your COVID vaccination status, symptoms you may be experiencing, etc. It has to be filled out the same day you enter the campus, we suggest pulling it up on your phone once you park, filling it out and then showing the guard at the gate. They will also ask to see proof of vaccination and do a temperature scan.



We look forward to seeing you as we put a bow on this hellacious year and look forward to a bright new 2022! 

If you're not comfortable attending in person, we've got you covered. All of this will simultaneously happen via "Zoom!" IMPORTANT: Be sure you register here:

Sunday Assembly is a volunteer-driven non-profit entirely funded by attendee donations. If you'd like to see SALA continue to develop positive secular community, please consider becoming a sustaining member: sundayassemblyla.org/monthly


Questions, feedback, special requests? Email [email protected]!
January 09, 2022 at 11:00am - 12:30pm
Office of Religious Life - USC Campus
Ryan Trout ·

Will you come?